Seven " 1" Your new Work From Home model

People are all involving about Hybrid work, being one of the key part of this new work model, work from home is about everyone. How to combine the advantage of traditional office in a cozy yet efficient home way to create a flexible home office space? How to maintain collaborations and communications with teams while working remotely? It's worthwhile to rethink if you have your correct home office way.

There are Seven Points we can not missing.

One Private Working Zone
Provide yourself an individual room or separate desk, divide work issues from family, help yourself quickly switch to "Working Mode" in this area, it's also a good signal to your family "DO NOT DISTURB"
One Ergonomic Chair
ong-hours task chair, fatigue and stiffness in the cervical spine, waist, back and limbs will seriously affect health and work experience. A comfortable ergonomic chair can support your waist and back well, help you maintain a good sitting posture, reduce harm and improve concentration.


Prioritize all recent works, meals, rest and exercise, formulate a reasonable schedule and strictly follow it, which can not only ensure regular work and rest every day, but all effectively the profess of work.

One Balanced and Healthy Diet
Ensure to drink large amount of warm water per day is conducive to the rapid excretion of various bacteria and viruses in the body and accelerate metabolism. Daily means should be regular and quantitative, nutritional focused, and ensure sufficient intake of high protein, vegetables and fruits. 
One Convenient Digital Communication Tool

Choose a universal, familiar and secure digital communication tool to establish a long-term and efficient two-way communication mechanism with your work partners, keep working profess updated, get problem-solving done easily, and maintain daily social interaction to interpersonal relationships and work morale.

One Creative White Board

When good ideas comes to your mind, it need to be conceptualized, you can record them on the whiteboard timely to prevent missing creative moments and help you sort out your thoughts.

One Persistent Daily Exercise
A regular 30 to 60 mins daily exercise not only maintain a good physical and metal state during special periods and improve resistance, but also combine work and rest to effectively relieve fatigue and change mood. Or a electric lifting table is a good way to switching the work model to activities to relieve fatigue and work flexibly."

"Workplace" now is about anytime, anywhere , we can only actively adjust our mentality and constantly adapt and embrace changes. Maximize your physical and mental experience while achieving your work goals.